Office location
The address is: 1221 West Ben White, 108-A, Austin, TX 78704.
My contact number is (512) 567-2033.
The office is located at the SE corner of Bannister & Ben White.
If traveling from Interstate 35, exit on the Ben White exit and travel west. Exit on the first exit, which is 1st and Bannister. Travel through the first light (1st street), and take a left on the next street (Bannister), over Ben White. The office is on the corner in the complex with trees, slightly below Ben White.
If traveling from MoPac, take the Loop 360 exit, and exit on Lamar. You can travel along the axis road until you reach the light at Bannister. Travel through the light, and drive into the Complex. Or, you can take the 1st street exit, take a U-turn, and travel up to the light at Bannister. Take a left on Bannister over Ben White. The office will be on the corner in the complex with trees, slightly below Ben White.
My office is located in the Oak Knoll Professional Office Park. It is located in the Building A. My office faces Ben White, it is on the "front" of the Building. You can drive right up to the Suite.
My contact number is (512) 567-2033.
The office is located at the SE corner of Bannister & Ben White.
If traveling from Interstate 35, exit on the Ben White exit and travel west. Exit on the first exit, which is 1st and Bannister. Travel through the first light (1st street), and take a left on the next street (Bannister), over Ben White. The office is on the corner in the complex with trees, slightly below Ben White.
If traveling from MoPac, take the Loop 360 exit, and exit on Lamar. You can travel along the axis road until you reach the light at Bannister. Travel through the light, and drive into the Complex. Or, you can take the 1st street exit, take a U-turn, and travel up to the light at Bannister. Take a left on Bannister over Ben White. The office will be on the corner in the complex with trees, slightly below Ben White.
My office is located in the Oak Knoll Professional Office Park. It is located in the Building A. My office faces Ben White, it is on the "front" of the Building. You can drive right up to the Suite.
The office is located here:
All photos on this website were generously donated by David Eisenberg.